Association Introduction

The Plastic Recycling Branch of the China Synthetic Resin Association is a branch of the China Synthetic Resin Association, officially established in 2016 and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is located in Beijing and its core team has been working as a plastic recycling and recycling industry association since 2006.
The Plastic Recycling Branch takes it as its responsibility to serve upstream and downstream enterprises in the plastic recycling and regeneration industry chain, listens to the voice of the industry, and is committed to solving key issues in the development of the plastic recycling and regeneration industry, reflecting the environmental value of recycled plastics, and leading industry transformation.

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Association Dynamics

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Association Advantages

Industry recognition
Focusing on plastic recycling and regeneration, serving the industry for 19 years

We have over 280 members, including plastic recycling and recycling production, trade and equipment enterprises, packaging supply chain enterprises, brand owners, and polymer companies

Strong professionalism:

Regularly release association briefings, industry internal participation, and industry basic research reports

Establish multiple specialized working groups, such as PET, HDPE, PP, film and flexible packaging, chemical recycling, marine plastics, investment and financing, technology and equipment, to conduct specialized discussions in specific fields

Internationalization is broad

Maintaining long-term cooperation with international organizations such as WWF, CGF, GIZ, EMF, and serving as an independent expert group member of the CGF Global Plastic Waste Action Alliance, the first domestic industry organization to sign the EMF Global Commitment on the New Plastic Economy

Extensive communication and cooperation with global plastic recycling and recycling industry organizations such as APR, PRE, ISRI, BIR, EPRO, BVSE, APRP, etc

Government influence is significant:

Served as a technical support unit for the plastic recycling industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and General Administration of Customs

Undertake the application, evaluation, and technical support work of standardized enterprises in the comprehensive utilization industry of waste plastics by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

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300 members+



70000 media vertical fans+



30000 active users in the industry resource circle+


10000 tons+

Representing China's production capacity of recycled plastics exceeding 5 million tons+

Member units