Report on HDPE waste flow and downstream application distribution of recycled HDPE

Published on: 2024-01-30 17:26
Read: 4

20229month-12Yueguo Jiaji Industry was commissioned by a polyolefin enterprise in China to carry outHDPEWaste flow and regenerationHDPEDownstream application research work, ultimately obtaining information on China22Provinces124homeHDPEEffective data on recycling and recycling enterprises. The comprehensive utilization capacity of waste plastics in research enterprises is approximately677.110000 tons/Year, of whichrHDPEThe production capacity is215.610000 tons/Year.

Report onHDPEThe price of waste and recycled products,HDPEThe process flow and typical enterprises of recycling and regeneration were analyzed and summarizedHDPEThe problems and development trends faced by the recycling and regeneration industry. Based on the situation of plastic recycling and regeneration at home and abroad, policies related to plastic pollution control, and progress in policy implementation, China's next three years have been evaluatedHDPEForecast the development of the recycling and regeneration industry, and provide insights intoHDPEAn analysis was conducted on the investment prospects and strategies for the recycling and regeneration industry.

chart1 Conduct research on enterprisesrHDPENational distribution map of production capacity

chart2 HDPEMaterial flow chart

Research and analysis report on the production capacity of recycled polyester PET in China

202212Moon, in order to understand our countryrPETEnterprise production capacity situation, Guojia Jiye's contribution to China's recycled polyester industry(PET)Enterprises carry out research activities. This survey focuses on domestic recycling and reuse enterprises2022Annual regenerationPETProduction capacity, distribution, andrPETMaterial flow and other situations. Conduct domestic research145Home regenerationPETEnterprises distributed in China23Provinces with a production capacity of approximately752.6110000 tons/This includes polyester chip enterprises, recycled particle enterprises, chemical fiber enterprises, product enterprises, modification enterprises, chemical recycling enterprises, etc.


Figure3 2022Revitalization in ChinaPETRegional distribution map of annual production capacity

chart4 our countryrPETNational distribution map of production capacity
